Thu. Aug 29th, 2024

You really can create a skateboard graphic out of anything! Wayne “OT” (OurThings Custom), designed this Featured Deck, Jesus In the Garden, on repurposed priority mail labels. “It is mixed media with Coptic markers, black pencil, metallic ink, gold leaf, actual rosary medallions, Swarovski crystals, metal flakes, [and] six coats of gloss… [It’s a] modern take on [a] biblical story. I was sick of skating off-the-shelf boards and started creating my own designs. Most are not designs you would grind a pool with, but pop on the walls of my casa. I have hundreds of original decks and decided to share them with others so they can enjoy.”

You can also create a skateboard graphic anywhere… “This board was created in the front seat of my pickup truck and [seedy] motels. All my artwork is created on the road in… motels or in my pickup, it’s a total release from my day job and totally refreshes my soul.”

Head to to purchase Jesus In the Garden, or any of Wayne’s skateboard graphics, including 3-deck series, and follow him on Instagram @deagonfrost.

If you can design it, we can help you make it a custom skateboard graphic at Follow us @boardpusher to see how others are creating their own skateboards.

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